
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Update: My Promotion !!!

I don't nornally do personal posts, but I have really enjoyed keeping this blog over the last few months, and have enjoyed chatting to a lot of you and keeping up with your posts. So I feel bad that recently I have found it hard to keep on top of it all, I haven't been posting regularly and I haven't been able to catch up with a lot of you and read as many blogs as I would like to!!

I recently got a promotion in my job as an Events Supervisor - my title doesnt sound very much but I basically run events around the country for a premium clothing brand and am responsible for teams of up to 12 people. I now have an office job in London which includes booking all the events, staffing, etc aswel as then managing the events. As you can imagine I am constantly running around, travelling all over the country etc so getting down to writing posts has become a bit of an impossibility! It has meant though, that I have got around to some amazing places, got free tickets into prestigious shows and events and made some great friends. Including Cartier Polo, Badminton Horse Trials, Queens Tennis, Olympia London International Horse Show, Cowes Week, Henley Regatta, the list goes on! This year I am going to Germany for a horse show also which I am super excited for.

As you can tell I am really excited and proud to have got so far in this job, so the point of this wasn't to boast but just explain why I am not on top of things, and just say that I really appreciate the support of anyone who ever reads this blog, and to all the people that I follow, that I still love all of your blogs and I hope to keep posting, reading your blogs and commenting !!

Love to all